About Us

Ronald Green
A former lecturer in linguistics and philosophy at Tel Aviv and Oxford, Ronald Green is the author of Time To Tell: a look at how we tick (iff Books 2018) and Nothing Matters: a book about nothing (iff Books 2011), and 13 ESL books used worldwide. His articles on philosophy have appeared in a number of journals, while his short stories have been published in several literary journals.
He has lectured in Europe, North and South America and the Middle East on linguistics, ESL and the use of the Internet in education.
He is active in showing the connection of philosophy to science, and explaining it in terms that are popularly understood.
Ronald’s Philisophical Discussions (on zoom) every first Sunday of the month.

David has over 30 years of teaching experience in EFL (English as a Foreign Language) and working with computers in education. Considered a trailblazer in the use of the Internet in education, he has trained students and teachers in different parts of the world on how to set up interactive project-based websites for educational purposes.
In 1996, before the Internet became a househld name and Social Networks were still a future phenomenon, he founded the ETNI network – a virtual network of mutual assistance for teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL).
David has written two novels:
– When Winter Wind Wears Desert Boots
– As I Died Laughing
with a third novel on the way,
and writes a blog: Why I may still be Canadian